The Labour way 

Three years from now we will be in general election mode, between now and then there will no doubt be some huge political events, brexit, the national health service, social care will all play a huge part in shaping the nation.

A strong nation needs a strong government, this also means parliament requires strong opposition. A party who can represent the electorate who don’t support the sitting government,a voice of opposition.

At a time of massive upheaval in the country now more than ever we need a strong opposition.

In the current Labour party we do not have a cohesive opposition, we have a party spilt, the working classes no longer seem to have a representation in parliament. I challenge anybody to explain to me in which way they see Corbyn as being prime ministerial ?

Where is the new policy ? 

What are we going to do with the national health service?

Why aren’t they questioning the need for HS2 ?

Do we need to spend millions on trident?

Is brexit being handled for the good of country ? 

I could go on.

My point is that we need an opposition that is going to challenge the government, we need a to to bottom, root and branch clear out in the NHS. This is what I would expect from the Labour party. And this would make the undecided voters sit up and listen, and would bring back disaffected Labour voters.

Stop the infighting, ditch Corbyn, unify behind the new leader regain the centre ground make the party strong.

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